Tuesday, September 16, 2008



Here's the link:
(By clicking on this link you are confirming that you are a "Beta Tester" at ZodTTD.com)
Download zodplay and vlc4iphone


Anonymous said...

I did click on the ads a few times . Thanks for the free download. Is there a way to get it to play files from the internet starting with the mms? Maybe I need to try it before I ask you too many questions. Thanks again!

Microelite7711 said...

Hey anonymous I want to say thank you. I'm not sure on what video formats it can play except .avi but try it and tell us. Maybe I can host some free converters soon... I'll see what I can do for everyone, just ask what format you need converted to what and I'll try my best to get you a free converter. Thank you everyone

Anonymous said...

Cool. I need to know if I can play a stream from the internet. I installed both of these apps already but when I type in the address in the URL, it doesnt seem to work. Is this the work from Zodtt?

Microelite7711 said...

Yes this is from Zodtt. I'll be releasing a newer version very soon according to how everything is going. However I'm not really sure on how to stream and other things like that either. I do know that the next vlc4iphone I'm releasing supports streaming and all that. You will have to update to a 2.0+ version firmware on your ipodtouch/phone. Anymore questions? :)

Anonymous said...

anyway to ask him in the forums if his app works with streaming site?
Thanks for your help and have a good weekend

Anonymous said...

Oh ok.. I just read his site and it works on vlc4iphone v0.9.8 Beta - Supports 2.0+ firmware - Better interface, faster playback. I guess I have to wait for you to upload that app. Anyway to post it sooner?

Microelite7711 said...

Well bt, I'm posting up 9.8 after I get 100 clicks on ads and I post how many clicks people have done on the top right of the blog and so far there's been 66 clicks. Thanks for clicking also :).

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Andrei said...

Hi there, I clicked for you and downloaded the two applications .
Followed the installation instructions, rebooted the phone and expected to see icons for the your items.
Nothing showed up. Is it supposed to ? can you give me some pointers.
This is a version 2.1 , 2G phone is it supported ?
Thanks for your time and keep at it.
I want to stream my dreambox to my Iphone !

Microelite7711 said...

Hi at, I'm releasing a newer version of vlc4iphone today that will support your iphone. So check back today and it will be up.

And to the person's comment I deleted. Please don't advertise on my blog like you were doing and I won't delete your comment...

Andrei said...

OK < I installed the latest.
I am using it to stream my dreambox to my Iphone.
It works but it has a long way to go before it's ready for prime time.
Please work on it, in amy case , I congratulate you for trying.

Anonymous said...

Uthis is crap the fle ffplay is missing

Anonymous said...

mineoly plays music novideo is played. can someone help

Dachshound said...

To at (post from Sep 23, 2008): Can you please give more details about dreambox streaming to iPhone? I can stream from my DM7025 directly to VLC media player on my PC, where it shows the stream URL something like e.g.: http://MyDreamboxIP:8001/1:0:1:1F41:BC7:3:EB0000:0:0:0: - but the streaming is invoked from Enigma2WebInterface, and at the launch it first shows Firefox File Download window with the filename stream.m3u. As this has association with VLC media player, the player is automatically launched with the videostream content. I wonder how this could be done for iPhone, instead of PC? I have a WiFi network, and the iPhone can connect to the router, but it is unclear for me, how to start (or invoke) the dreambox stream from within iPhone application vlc4iphone....? Any hints are greatly appreciated, thanks.

Anonymous said...


Read the instructions I posted for you here

Anonymous said...

Hey how the hell do you get it to work i cant find a manual anywhere i want to put some avi file on my touch have the app anda ll but unsure how to use it

Unknown said...

I installed vlc on my iphone (2G running 2.1) and the icon showed up, however when I press to open vlc the screen turns white then goes back to my home screen... Did I do something wrong?

Anonymous said...

ive downloaded vlc4iphone, where do i key in a mms:// radio address?